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L'actualité de WAARP


Waarp Gateway version 0.10.0 marks a new step in the evolution of the tool with the introduction of new features, notable optimizations, and important fixes. As always, this update is highly recommended to benefit from the latest security and performance improvements.

Waarp Gateway Update Release Notes

Main changes

Introduction of SNMP service

Waarp Gateway 0.10.0 introduces the first features related to management via SNMP. Currently, only sending SNMP notifications to an external agent in case of transfer or startup errors is supported. Support for SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 versions is available. An SNMP server to retrieve diagnostic information will be added in future releases.

IP Address Filtering

This release introduces an IP address filtering system to restrict partner access to Gateway. This filter, available via the REST API and CLI, allows you to specify which IP addresses are allowed to authenticate to Gateway.

Filtering by stream ID

Users can now filter transfers based on a specific followID. This feature is accessible through the REST API and the terminal client, making it easier to manage transfers in complex environments.

Authentication methods and optimizations

As in previous releases, this update improves authentication and introduces new security controls. Key and certificate management is standardized with improved support for existing mechanisms, as well as a robust infrastructure for future extensions.

List of changes

New Features

  • [ Feature ] #54 : First step of adding an SNMP service. The MIB describing this SNMP service is available here . Currently, this only allows sending SNMP notifications to a third-party agent in case of a transfer error or in case of a startup error. An SNMP server to retrieve diagnostic information will be implemented in a later version. Waarp-Gateway supports SNMPv2 and SNMPv3.

  • [ Feature ] #401 : Added basic IP filtering to restrict the IP addresses allowed for a partner to authenticate to Gateway. See the Local Account Management CLI and REST documentation for more information.

  • [ Feature ] #405 : Added the ability to filter transfers by followID when listing transfers. This change affects both the REST API and the terminal client, refer to their respective docs for more details.


  • #406 : Automatically generate a followID for each transfer if no ID is specified during creation. This followID is visible in the transfer information.

  • #407 : Added indexes to improve performance of REST queries and transfer listing commands, especially when filtering by date.

Fixes in version 0.9.1 (01/07/2024)

Waarp Gateway 0.9.1 brought critical fixes following the release of version 0.9.0, with a particular focus on backward compatibility and bugs related to password and certificate management.

  • :fix:`402` The old "isTLS" property of R66 agents (deprecated in version 0.7.0 with the separation of R66 and R66-TLS protocols) is correctly taken into account again. Backwards compatibility with this property had been unintentionally broken with the 0.9.0 update. This backwards compatibility concerns the REST API and the import/export file.

  • :fix:`-` The authentication cache for passwords introduced in version 0.9.0 now works correctly.

  • :fix:`-` Passwords for local accounts and remote partners can now be correctly imported. A bug introduced in version 0.9.0 prevented their creation via the password field (for local accounts) or serverPassword (for R66 partners).

  • :fix:`403` The legacy R66 certificate is now correctly recognized as such when created, whether via import or via the REST API. This certificate was not correctly recognized since version 0.9.0 when added via the old certificates field , and its creation therefore failed due to the certificate being invalid.



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